About gonna.surf

Happy surfing! 🏄‍♀ī¸ 🏄

Gonnasurf is a free website aiming at making it easy to decide which spot to go surfing to in the North of Fuerteventura.

We're online since January 6th, 2022, and keep working to make the experience better.

Our users love us :)

Photography of Mehdi, the founder of gonna.surf


Great app that helps you to find the right surf spot. It is easy to read, provides all information you need and includes detailed spot guides.

What's special about gonna.surf

🆕 Beginner friendly

Interpreting surf forecast information is definitely not an easy task, especially for beginners. There are so many measures, understanding (and remembering) their meaning requires experience.

We're doing our best to show visual and concise information.

⌚ Time-saver - See all spots in one page

One of the pains of most surf forecasting sites is that they display the forecast in separate pages for each spot. To find out where to go, you need to navigate to each spot page one after the other, this can get pretty time consuming.

In gonna.surf, the conditions in each forecast point are displayed in one screen.

We're not perfect yet, exploring to find the right balance between the quantity of information to display versus ease of use and readability.

📍 Local

gonna.surf is created in El Cotillo and benefits from the knowledge about the surfing spots around.

The weather forecast data is pulled from the Spanish Meteorology Agency (AEMET), and is also therefore very local and precise.

✨ Extras

Ad free

Aren't ads just annoying? Most of the time, they are irrelevant. They slow down websites, and ad companies tend to track an excessive quantity of (private) user data.

While gonna.surf might accept sponsorship by local or relevant, surf-related companies in a near future, we choose to say no to advertising networks.

Privacy friendly

Gonna.surf does not share your information with third-party user tracking companies (such as Google or Facebook).

Anonymous statistics about the visits are measured using Plausible Analytics. We host this system on our servers, this means that Plausible Analytics company does not receive any data.


Gonna.surf supports an alternate color palette specially chosen for colorblind people. Activate it in just a few clicks.

Reasons not to use gonna.surf 🤷‍♂ī¸

Where we tell you how we plan to make gonna.surf better ;)

It does not show the secondary swell and wind swell.

The secondary swell is a pretty important information to assess waves quality. As the Spanish Meteorology Agency, our source of forecast data, does not provide this information, we are working on integrating some complementary data sources.

Gonna.surf already retrieves the wind swell data, but does not display it, to keep the screens easy to read. Wind swell is useful both to know how choppy the waves are likely to be, but also to know whether the spots in the East coast work. We plan to integrate the wind swell information in a near future, probably in an 'advanced' display mode providing more details.

Same goes for the swell power. We currently calculate it, and display a "power!" badge whenever the power is above a certain threshold.

It's limited to Fuerteventura North.

Gonna.surf is just getting started. We're building it with the local community in the island. Once we have a strong product, we'll extend to additional locations.

Who's behind gonna.surf

Photograph of Mehdi, the founder of gonna.surf
Photography by David Priester.

Hi, my name is Mehdi, and I'm the creator of gonna.surf.

Not so long ago, I was a consultant specialized in data analysis and business intelligence.

Right now, two things I'm focusing on are enjoying surf, and developing this website. I also offer my services as a freelancer at Alef.

Gonna.surf is not only me. My surfer friends in Fuerteventura (and elsewhere) provide feedback and input about the direction the project should take.

In terms of technology, some very talented and generous people and organizations help speed up the development and make the website look good, thanks to their work in the open source community. Some of them are, in no particular order:

  • OpenStreetMap and its contributors, providing the geography data.
  • Stamen Design providing these so beautiful watercolor map tiles.
  • Maplibre powering the map display and interactions.
  • Svelte making it easier to create cool websites.
  • d3.js powering the data visualizations.

How to reach us

We're active in the following media channels: