Drive less, surf more

Progress faster and safely

Support a cool project

Support is supported by user donations, and your contribution can help sustain the project.

A project with a mission and values exists to make surfing easier, more safe and sustainable.

Here's what we're creating:

  • We're innovating on how to present surf forecast in order to make it easier to know where to go surfing, and spend less time driving from one coast to the other.
  • We're providing tips about the surf spots so that you can make the most out of them.
  • We're writing surf etiquette and safety guides to keep the experience enjoyable for all and prevent accidents. chose to focus on the user experience, and therefore includes no advertising in its website. We don't track users, and don't share their data with third parties.

A project with an exciting roadmap

300+ hours have already been spent working on the project, and we'd love to be able to spend hundreds more to bring even cooler features:

  • Create a detailed surf forecast for more advanced surfers
  • Recommend where to go surfing depending on the current conditions and crowd levels
  • Publish spot guides for all the important spots around (except for the local/secret spots)
  • Let visitors book a photoshoot, surf classes and more directly on
  • Produce helpful resources promoting surf etiquette and safety
  • Cover more regions and countries
  • Innovate in surf forecasting by generating 3D wave shape simulations, based on weather and bathymetry data
  • ...

Contribute to the future of

Has been helpful to you already? We surely hope so. If you like, we'd appreciate you helping us back.

💰 Donate

As an individual, if you can afford it, donate.

As a local company related to the surf industry, you might want to sponsor the website in exchange for some visibility: check our sponsorship offer.

đŸ“ĸ Talk about us

We rely on word of mouth to gain visibility. Show to other surfers who might benefit from it. This would be of great help, especially since we don't use advertising and paid social media posts.

✍ī¸ Write or work with us

Would you like to blog about your surf experience here, and share tips online? We can host your content.

We're open to collaborations. Are you a writer, designer, marketer? Would you like to help making better? Let's talk.

Freelance contracting opportunities are occasionally available. If we're a good match, you could even become co-founder of

Reach out to us through any of the following media: Instagram Reddit /u/gonna_surf Twitter @gonna_surf