Create a surf report

Create a surf report in a few clicks, and share with your friends.



How would you qualify the waves?


How busy is the spot?


All data stays in your browser.

Report preview

surf report creation poster

About the report creation tool

What is a surf report

A's surf report is a photo of a surf spot, over which surf conditions are displayed. The report aims to be a quick and visual way to share information about how a sport works at a given time.

Why create a surf report

Creating and sharing a surf report has safety and sustainability benefits, on top of the social appeal of keeping your friends informed.

  • Let your friends know whether it's worth going to a spot
  • Inform about the crowd level, to avoid having even more people going to a spot which is already too busy
  • Prevent people from driving to a spot where the conditions are not good for surfing

How to create a surf report

A surf report is created in less than a minute using the form above.

  1. Take a photo of the spot
  2. Choose the corresponding spot from the list
  3. Select the options describing how the waves are
  4. Slide to describe the crowd level
  5. Write your name
  6. Click on the 'Share' or 'Download' button ✌

The surf reports are not published in our website. as they should only be shared to limited audiences (your friends), in order to avoid having too many people going to the same spot.


Surf report

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