Becoming a better surfer - the Knowledge Base

Orientation - core concepts


Introduction of the core concepts of surfing.

Coming soon.

Safety fundamentals for total beginners

Safety fundamentals for total beginners

Basics to know in order to avoid accidents.

Discover the safety fundamentals

Surf etiquette

Surf etiquette

Surf etiquette is the set of rules makingmakes surf safe and fun for everyone.

Barefoot Surf* has a very detailed article about it, we recommend you check it out.

Surf ethics: 10 Rules a Beginner needs to know

Surfing in crowded spots

Surfing in crowded spots

5 tips to keep surfing enjoyable in crowded spots

Have fun and stay safe when it's crowded

Safety tips for improvers

Safety tips for improvers

Discover more techniques to keep surf stress-free as you progress

Coming soon.

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We'd love to write more about surf fitness, share techniques, explain how spots work and surf theory.

Do you share our passion, and would you like to contribute to the project?

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* is affiliated to Barefoot surf, meaning that we get a commission in case you decide to make a purchase through the link, at no cost to you. The linked article is totally free.

Last update: 15 Apr 2023.